Monday 17 June 2013

Health kick

Since I started my new job I've felt like I'm gaining weight. I blame sitting at my desk for 3 days a week instead of running around after two energetic boys. It's also probably the 3'o'clock cravings too!

So, inspired by a post by Style|Life|Home, I'm trying to be more aware of what I'm eating. I'm been beginning my days with a warm glass of lemony water and taking lots of fruit to eat when the sugar cravings start.

The only hiccup so far has been the chocolate fudge slice that my Mum delivered - hard to resist! 

The other changes I'm going to make are to limit wine to the weekends and try to fit yoga in on my days off. Although this morning sequence might be possible before work!?

Will keep you posted! If you have any ideas for keeping motivated over these cold months please share too. 

Debbie xo

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