Saturday 20 July 2013

Is it spring already?

Wow I think we might have had near a perfect weekend. We had friends over on Friday night - the 'known you forever, know everything about you' type, great weather and absolutely no plans. 

Smoothies - banana, frozen berries and fruit juice

We have two really old grapefruit trees, but don't really like grapefruit so me and Zach put some out on our front lawn with this sign he made. Our lovely friend from around the corner took some when they left after their visit but I think the rest are still out there! What to do with them?!

Mr Little Artist has been wanting to replace the roofing on our glasshouse for a LONG time so he can grow chilli's and tomatoes. He finally got it done this weekend. Happy husband :)

Debbie xo

Friday 28 June 2013

Health kick update - fail!

Just a quick update on how the 'health kick' is going. 

So I've managed to do yoga once - yes, once! And as for eating, I did well for a couple of days and then it turned to custard.
Example - this morning we went out to get a birthday present for my Mum and because it was so close to Little and Friday we had to pop in for one of their donuts. 

They are so good and if you haven't been to one of their cafes yet, you really should. I went to The Bloc for the first time this morning too and it was amazing. I didn't get to spend as much time there as I could have (two boys in tow), but will head back soon hopefully when I have another excuse to go shopping. 

This weekend I have two birthday parties so that means yummy nibbles and cake! Maybe I'll start again on Monday! 

Debbie xo


Wednesday 26 June 2013

Room match ups!

I've been having a bit of a play around with some prints in beautiful rooms - love these match ups!

The pop of green on this kitchen bench is so stunning.

Love these blue/green tones and the little bit of bright colour. 

It was the print above the couch that I fell in love with this room but the whole thing is pretty cool.

What an awesome bedroom - my favs are the rug and the feature wall with the white linen.

This chair is such a feature - will have to hunt one of those down one day! 

Can't go wrong with black and white - perfect space to add some personality with a collage of your child's art :) 

Debbie xo 

Check out Little Artist.

Monday 17 June 2013

Health kick

Since I started my new job I've felt like I'm gaining weight. I blame sitting at my desk for 3 days a week instead of running around after two energetic boys. It's also probably the 3'o'clock cravings too!

So, inspired by a post by Style|Life|Home, I'm trying to be more aware of what I'm eating. I'm been beginning my days with a warm glass of lemony water and taking lots of fruit to eat when the sugar cravings start.

The only hiccup so far has been the chocolate fudge slice that my Mum delivered - hard to resist! 

The other changes I'm going to make are to limit wine to the weekends and try to fit yoga in on my days off. Although this morning sequence might be possible before work!?

Will keep you posted! If you have any ideas for keeping motivated over these cold months please share too. 

Debbie xo

Thursday 6 June 2013

Time of change...

It's been too long since I was last on this blog. I had an amazing opportunity to take a great job 3 days a week and after mostly being a full time mum for the last 4 years it's been quite an adjustment! 

We're lucky that between my husband and my parents, the boys are taken care of while I'm at work. I honestly give MAJOR credit to families that have to do the day care drop offs/pick-ups and get home to make dinner etc... I seriously don't know how you do it!  

So it's been a positive change - although I miss the boys on the days that I work - but I really appreciate the time I get with them on my days off. 

In amongst all of this we've had some really nice visits to local beaches and parks. These photos were taken at Muriwai a few weeks ago. Love this place - especially when it's one of those crisp winter days.  

Debbie xo

Saturday 27 April 2013

Goodbye Summer

I have to admit, I felt a bit sad saying goodbye to Summer this year! But I'm trying my best to embrace the cooler weather.

This is George & Georgina (our local Wood Pigeons). They come around this time of year to feed on our Guavas

Last night a made a big pot of Lamb and Veggie soup and tried a new bread recipe to go with it. You need to start this one pretty early because it needs 18 HOURS to rise and then a further 2 hours once you shape it! But it's worth it and there's no kneading. The guy who does the video is a bit of a laugh too.

Enjoy and don't skip the butter!

Debbie xo 


Saturday 20 April 2013

Font ♥

I'm a bit of a font fan and I love the collections of fonts that you find on Pinterest.

Here are a few of my favourites...

Formal Fringe
A Subtle Revelry

Rylee Blake
I have lots more pinned on my Design board here.

Debbie xo